Think about how many people you'll be having over for dinner on a somewhat regular basis. Plan at least 4 sq. ft. for each of those people. Leave 3' of breathing space around each piece of furniture on the patio to that people can easily move about without bumping into things. 3 Avoid hardscape materials that may become slippery when wet. Make sure these materials provide secure footing under all conditions. Hard surfaces should be slightly sloped to keep water from pooling. 4 If your ideal design has any overhead structures, roofs, etc, make sure they are at least 7' above the ground. If things will be growing underneath, add an additional 5" — 18".
It's better safe than sorry, and in time as the landscape matures, plants will begin to fill in and you'll be glad you added that extra height. 5 When planning which plants go where, remember that they will grow. Most gardeners plant with an eye for what looks good now when setting out plants, forgetting how large the plant will be in 5 years. It's better to plant permanent plants where they can be comfortable and then fill in that grow space with filler type plants that will be short lived or can be easily moved later. 6 Keep tall plants well away from walkways and patio edges. Especially avoid prickly plants from these same areas. More tips to follow next month!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Solve Common Landscape Problems
Posted by Alabama Real Estate Professional at 7:31 PM
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